Animal Assets

GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.

Type enum (Animal)

ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.

Animal Properties

Health uint16: Total health value.

Regen float: How often health should be regenerated, in seconds. After the specified amount of time passes, the animal regains 1 health. Defaults to 10 seconds.

Damage byte: Damage dealt to the player per attack.

Behaviour enum (Defense, Offense, Ignore): AI behavior type. Defense AI will run away when alerted, Offense AI will attack when alerted, and Ignore AI will run away when attacked.

Speed_Run float: Running speed in m/s.

Speed_Walk float: Walking speed in m/s.

Horizontal_Attack_Range float: Maximum attack range on the horizontal plane. Defaults to 2.25 meters.

Horizontal_Vehicle_Attack_Range float: Maximum attack range on the horizontal plane, when the target is inside a vehicle. Defaults to 4.4 meters squared.

Vertical_Attack_Range float: Maximum vertical attack range. Defaults to 2 meters.

Attack_Interval float: Minimum seconds between attacks. Defaults to one second. If the attack duration is longer than the attack interval then the attack duration is used instead.

Roars int: Total number of roar sounds in Unity. A roar sound is played when the animal attacks.

Panics int: Total number of panic sounds in Unity. A panic sound is played when the animal is startled.

Attack_Anim_Variants int: Total number of attack animations in Unity. Defaults to 1.

Eat_Anim_Variants int: Total number of eat animations in Unity. Defaults to 1.

Glance_Anim_Variants int: Total number of glance animations in Unity. Defaults to 2.

Startle_Anim_Variants int: Total number of startle animations in Unity. Defaults to 1.

Should_Play_Anims_On_Dedicated_Server bool: If animations are needed on the server, such as due to having complicated triggers tied to the attack animations. Defaults to false.


Reward_ID uint16: ID of the item spawn table to use.

Reward_XP uint: Amount of experience to reward.

Reward_Min byte: Minimum amount of item drops to reward. Defaults to 3.

Reward_Max byte: Maximum amount of item drops to reward. Defaults to 4.

Meat uint16: ID of item to spawn when animal is killed. Deprecated in favor of Reward_ID.

Pelt uint16: ID of item to spawn when animal is killed. Deprecated in favor of Reward_ID.


Name string: Animal name in user interfaces.