
Rewards can be granted by NPC assets, interactable objects, and item blueprints. The specific property prefix may differ between asset types. For example, quests may use “Rewards” while consumables use “Quest_Rewards”.

Rewards byte: Total number of rewards.

Reward_#_Type enum (Flag_Bool, Flag_Math, Flag_Short, Flag_Short_Random, Achievement, Currency, Cutscene_Mode, Event, Experience, Item, Item_Random, Hint, Player_Life_Food, Player_Life_Health, Player_Life_Virus, Player_Life_Water, Player_Spawnpoint, Quest, Reputation, Rewards_List_Asset, Teleport, Vehicle)

Reward_#_GrantDelaySeconds float: If set, the reward will be queued for the specified number of seconds before being granted to the player. When the player dies any pending rewards are cancelled. Defaults to -1.



Reward_#_Type enum (Flag_Bool)

Reward_#_ID uint16: ID of flag to set.

Reward_#_Value bool: Set flag to Boolean value, of either “True” or “False”.


Reward_#_Type enum (Flag_Math)

Reward_#_A_ID uint16: ID of flag to apply math to.

Reward_#_B_ID uint16: ID of flag containing value to be applied mathematically. If not specified then B_Value is used instead.

Reward_#_B_Value int16: default value to be applied mathematically if flag B has not been set on the player or if B_ID is zero.

Reward_#_Operation enum (Addition, Assign, Division, Modulo, Multiplication, Subtraction): For example, using the Addition operation would set A to the value of A + B.


Reward_#_Type enum (Flag_Short)

Reward_#_ID uint16: ID of flag to modify.

Reward_#_Value int: Modify flag’s current value with this short value.

Reward_#_Modification enum (Assign, Decrement, Increment): Set value, subtract value, or add value.


Reward_#_Type enum (Flag_Short_Random)

Reward_#_ID uint16: ID of flag to modify.

Reward_#_Min_Value int: Minimum short value to modify flag’s current value by.

Reward_#_Max_Value int: Maximum short value to modify flag’s current value by.

Reward_#_Modification enum (Assign, Decrement, Increment): Set value, subtract value, or add value.



Reward_#_Type enum (Achievement)

Reward_#_ID string: ID of achievement to grant. Only specific achievements can be granted as a reward.


Refer to Currency documentation.

Reward_#_Type enum (Currency)

Reward_#_GUID string: GUID of currency asset.

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of currency to reward.

Cutscene Mode

Not as exciting as it sounds. While active, the first-person viewmodel is hidden and certain item actions like shooting are disabled. It’s saved/loaded, but resets on death.

Reward_#_Type enum (Cutscene_Mode)

Reward_#_Value bool: Whether cutscene mode should currently be active.


Reward_#_Type enum (Event)

Reward_#_ID string: ID of event to broadcast. This can be used by c# plugins with the NPCEventManager class, or Unity events with the NPC Global Event component. For example, when an event with ID “Fireworks” is broadcast all of the components with event ID “Fireworks” will have their corresponding Unity event triggered as well, in this case perhaps to spawn a fireworks effect.


Reward_#_Type enum (Experience)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of experience to reward.


Reward_#_Type enum (Item)

Reward_#_ID uint16: ID of item to reward.

Reward_#_Amount int: Amount of item to reward.

Reward_#_Auto_Equip bool: Item should be automatically equipped by the player.

Reward_#_Ammo byte: Override for the amount of ammuntion that should be loaded in the item reward.

Reward_#_Barrel uint16: Override for the barrel attachment that should be attached to the item reward.

Reward_#_Grip uint16: Override for the grip attachment that should be attached to the item reward.

Reward_#_Magazine uint16: Override for the magazine attachment that should be attached to the item reward.

Reward_#_Origin EItemOrigin: Set the item origin. For example, setting the origin to Admin will cause items to spawn at full quality. Defaults to Craft.

Reward_#_Sight uint16: Override for the sight attachment that should be attached to the item reward.

Reward_#_Tactical uint16: Override for the tactical attachment that should be attached to the item reward.


Reward_#_Type enum (Item_Random)

Reward_#_ID uint16: ID of spawn table that the random item reward should come from.

Reward_#_Amount int: Amount of item to reward.

Reward_#_Auto_Equip flag: Item should be automatically equipped by the player.

Reward_#_Origin EItemOrigin: Set the item origin. For example, setting the origin to Admin will cause items to spawn at full quality. Defaults to Craft.


Reward_#_Type enum (Hint)

Reward_#_Text Rich Text: Text to display as a hint.

Reward_#_Duration float: Duration of the hint, in seconds. Defaults to 2 seconds.

Player Life Food

Reward_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Food)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of food to add. Can be negative to decrease food.

Player Life Health

Reward_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Health)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of health to add. Can be negative to decrease health.

Player Life Virus

Reward_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Virus)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of virus to add. Can be negative to decrease virus level.

Player Life Water

Reward_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Water)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of water to add. Can be negative to decrease water.

Player Spawnpoint

Reward_#_Type enum (Player_Spawnpoint)

Reward_#_ID string Override the player’s default spawn location, using the spawnpoint name set in the Devkit level editor or a map location node name. For example, Liberator_Jet. Saved and loaded between sessions. If empty, the override is removed and the default spawns are used. The SetNpcSpawnId admin command is useful for testing this.


On the Buak map, the player can talk with Kira to claim a room in the Factory using this reward type.


Reward_#_Type enum (Quest)

Reward_#_ID uint16: Quest ID to give as a reward.


Reward_#_Type enum (Reputation)

Reward_#_Value int: Amount of reputation to reward.

Rewards List Asset

Reward_#_Type enum (Rewards_List_Asset)

Reward_#_GUID Asset Pointer: Rewards List to grant directly, or Spawn Table to resolve into one.


Reward_#_Type enum (Teleport)

Reward_#_Spawnpoint string: Location to teleport the player to as a reward, using the spawnpoint name as set in the Devkit level editor. For example, Liberator_Jet.


Reward_#_Type enum (Vehicle)

Reward_#_ID : ID of Vehicle to be given.

Reward_#_Spawnpoint string: Location to spawn the vehicle in as a reward, using the spawnpoint name as set in the Devkit level editor. For example, Liberator_Jet.


Reward_#: Name of the reward as it appears in user interfaces.