Object Assets

GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.

Type EObjectType: The object’s type is used for sorting, pathfinding, collision, and culling. Small objects are used for clutter and decoration, medium objects fill out the layout, and large objects make up the level. When using the NPC enumerator, refer to the documentation for NPC Character Assets as well.

ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.

Object Properties

Add_Kill_Triggers bool: If true, this adds a kill volume inside the object that will kill players who clip inside it. This is helpful for preventing out-of-bounds exploits, such as players trying to build bases inside boulder objects.

Add_Night_Light_Script flag: Adds a script to the object that looks for a transform named “Light”. During the night, the light will be turned on. During the day, the light will be turned off.

Allow_Structures flag: Structures can be built on top of this object. For example, a fake grass object may want to use this property.

Causes_Fall_Damage bool: Whether or not players should take fall damage when landing on this object. Defaults to true.

Chart enum (EObjectChart): When an object obstructs the terrain, it can appear on a map’s chart view. The pixel sampled for the object’s color on the chart view can be set or overridden with this property. By default, Type Large objects use the same pixel as the Large enumerator, and Type Medium objects use the same pixel as the Medium enumerator. Defaults to Ignore when using Type NPC or Type Decal. Otherwise, defaults to None.

Christmas_Redirect GUID: GUID of the object that should appear during the Festive holiday.

Collision_Important flag: Prevent collision from being disabled. When using Type Large, this flag is automatically included.

Exclude_From_Level_Batching bool: Exclude this object from level batching. This property may be helpful when using elaborate setups with Unity Event components. Defaults to true when using Type Decal or Type NPC.

Foliage GUID: GUID of a foliage asset. This property is useful for objects such as fake grass, which may want foliage to bake on top of the object similar to terrain materials.

Fuel flag: Fuel can be siphoned from this object. Deprecated in favor of Interactability Fuel.

Halloween_Redirect GUID: GUID of the object that should appear during the Halloween holiday.

Has_Clip_Prefab bool: Whether or not the object has a Clip.prefab. If the object should use the same prefab on the server as on the client, set to false. For example, most official content uses Has_Clip_Prefab false. Defaults to true.

Holiday_Restriction enum (ENPCHoliday): If a valid value is specified, then this object will only be visible during the corresponding holiday. The specified holiday will be appended to the object’s user-friendly name. Defaults to None.

Is_Gore bool: Whether or not this object should be visible if the player has disabled “Show Blood Splatters”.

Landmark_Quality enum (Off, Low, Medium, High, Ultra): The value that the “Landmarks” graphical setting must be set to in order to see a low detail model of this object from far away distances. Defaults to Low.

Material_Palette GUID: GUID of the Material Palette Asset that should be used by the object.

Refill flag: Water can be siphoned from this object. Deprecated in favor of Interactability Water.

Snowshoe flag: This object should not leave a footprint when baking materials.

Soft flag: Vehicles should not take damage when colliding with this object.

Use_Water_Height_Transparent_Sort flag: Useful for transparent objects, such as glass.

Exclude_From_Satellite_Capture bool: If true, object will be hidden when rendering GPS/satellite view. Defaults to true if Holiday_Restriction is other than None.


Decal_Alpha flag: This flag should be set if the decal has a transparent texture. Requires Type Decal.

Decal_X float: Override the scale of the decal, on the 𝘟-axis. Requires Type Decal.

Decal_Y float: Override the scale of the decal, on the 𝘠-axis. Requires Type Decal.

Decal_LOD_Bias float: Multiplier for the LOD’s switching distance. Defaults to 1. Requires Type Decal.

Interior Culling

Exclude_From_Culling_Volumes bool: If set to true, this object will not be managed by culling volumes. For example, the aerospace facility on the Germany map is excluded from culling volumes, so that manually-placed culling volumes can hide large objects like shipping containers without accidentally hiding the giant aerospace facility itself.

LOD enum (None, Mesh, Area): How interior culling should be determined. Using the Mesh enumerator will use the mesh bounds to determine what is inside the object. For concave objects, you can use the Area enumerator instead and add multiple Occlusion Area components for the interior volumes.

LOD_Bias float: Multiplier on the threshold distance for interior culling. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Center_X float: Offset for the culling volume’s local position, on the 𝘟-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Center_Y float: Offset for the culling volume’s local position, on the 𝘠-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Center_Z float: Offset for the culling volume’s local position, on the 𝘡-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Size_X float: Offset for the culling volume’s size, on the 𝘟-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Size_Y float: Offset for the culling volume’s size, on the 𝘠-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.

LOD_Size_Z float: Offset for the culling volume’s size, on the 𝘡-axis. Requires that LOD has been set.


Interactability enum (None, Binary_State, Dropper, Note, Water, Fuel, Rubble, NPC, Quest, Dialogue): All Interactability_ properties will require that this property has been set. The enumerator selected for this property will affect which properties can be used, how these properties will function when used, and how this object will behave in-game. Defaults to the NPC enumerator when using Type NPC, otherwise this property will default to None.

  • Binary_State objects will change between their two states when interacted with – such as an open or closed door.

  • Dropper objects can spawn items when interacted with.

  • Note objects can display lines of text when interacted with.

  • Water objects can be siphoned for water, and Fuel objects can be siphoned for fuel.

  • Rubble objects are destructible. It is preferable to use Rubble Destroy instead of Interactability Rubble.

  • NPC objects can provide access to dialogue, quests, and vendors.

  • Quest objects can be interacted with, but unlike other options they have no additional functionality.

  • Dialogue objects open the dialogue screen - similar to NPCs - with a non-NPC appearance and custom interact text.


Although Interactability properties can be used to create a destructible object, it is preferable to use Rubble properties as they are more specific. This allows for creating destructible objects that are also interactable.

Interactability_Blade_ID byte: When using Interactability Rubble, weapons are unable to damage this object unless they have a matching BladeID_# value. Defaults to 0.

Interactability_Delay float: In seconds, the cooldown before the object can be interacted with again.

Interactability_Dialogue GUID: Dialogue asset to open for Interactability Dialogue mode.

Interactability_Drops byte: Total number of items dropped from an object using Interactability Dropper. This property is used in conjunction with Interactability_Drop_#. Defaults to 0. It is preferable to use the Interactability_Reward_ID property instead.

Interactability_Drop_# uint16: ID of an item that should be dropped. This property is used in conjunction with Interactability_Drops.

Interactability_Editor enum (None, Toggle): Determines how this interactable object should appear in the level editor. If this is set to Toggle, then the object’s alternative state will be shown. Defaults to None.

Interactability_Effect GUID or uint16: GUID or legacy ID of an EffectAsset to play when interacted with. When using Interactability Rubble, this effect is played when a section of the object is destroyed.

Interactability_Finale GUID or uint16: GUID or legacy ID of an EffectAsset to play when all sections of the object using Interactability Rubble are destroyed. If this property is used, then all of the dead object’s sections will also be hidden when fully destroyed.

Interactability_Health uint16: Total amount of health each section of the object has, when using Interactability Rubble. Defaults to 0.

Interactability_Hint enum (Door, Switch, Fire, Generator, Use, Custom): Localization key to use for the interact prompt. Setting this to Custom allows for displaying custom text instead, when used in conjunction with Interact.

Interactability_Invulnerable flag: This resource cannot be damaged by lower-power Weapon Assets that do not have the Invulnerable flag, when using Interactability Rubble.

Interactability_Nav enum (None, On, Off): How navigation should change when the object’s state is changed. Defaults to None.

Interactability_Power enum (None, Toggle, Stay): Whether or not this object must be powered to be usable. When set to None, this object cannot be powered. When set to Toggle, the object must be powered to be interacted with. When set to Stay, the object must be powered to remain on. For example, a door might use Toggle if it should remain open after it loses power, while a streetlight might use Stay so that the light turns off when it loses power. Defaults to None.

Interactability_Proof_Explosion flag: Immune to area-of-effect explosive damage, when using Interactability Rubble.

Interactability_Remote flag: Disables the ability for players to interact with this via a button prompt.

Interactability_Reset float: Delay before an interacted object resets, or a destroyed object respawns, in seconds.

Interactability_Resource uint16: When using Interactability Fuel or Interactability Water, this value is how many units of fuel or water is stored in the object. Defaults to 0.

Interactability_Reward_ID uint16: ID of an item spawn table to use for rewards, when using Interactability Rubble. Defaults to 0.

Interactability_Rewards_Min byte: Minimum amount of item drops to reward, when using Interactability Rubble. Defaults to 1.

Interactability_Rewards_Max byte: Maximum amount of item drops to reward, when using Interactability Rubble. Defaults to 1.

Interactability_Reward_Probability float: Probability of receiving a reward, as a decimal-to-percent chance, when using Interactability Rubble. Defaults to 1.

Interactability_Reward_XP uint32: Amount of experience to reward when the object using Interactability Rubble is destroyed.

Interactability_Text_Lines uint16: Total number of lines to display when an object using Interactability Note is interacted with. This property is used in conjunction with Interactability_Text_Line_#. Defaults to 0.


Rubble enum (None, Destroy): The destruction mode that should be used, although the only functional option for this is Destroy. All Rubble_ properties require that this property has been set.

Rubble_Blade_ID byte: Weapons are unable to damage this object unless they have a matching BladeID_# value. Defaults to 0.

Rubble_Editor enum (Alive, Dead): Determines how this destructible object should appear in the level editor. If this is set to Dead, the fully destroyed state of the object will be shown. Defaults to Alive.

Rubble_Effect GUID or uint16: GUID or legacy ID of an EffectAsset to play when a section of the destructible object is destroyed.

Rubble_Finale GUID or uint16: GUID or legacy ID of an EffectAsset to play when all sections of the destructible object are destroyed. If this property is used, then all of the dead object’s sections will also be hidden when fully destroyed.

Rubble_Health uint16: Total amount of health each section of the object has. Defaults to 0.

Rubble_Invulnerable flag: This resource cannot be damaged by lower-power Weapon Assets that do not have the Invulnerable flag.

Rubble_Proof_Explosion flag: Immune to area-of-effect explosive damage.

Rubble_Reset float: Delay before a destroyed object respawns, in seconds.

Rubble_Reward_ID uint16: ID of an item spawn table to use for rewards. Defaults to 0.

Rubble_Rewards_Min byte: Minimum amount of item drops to reward. Defaults to 1.

Rubble_Rewards_Max byte: Maximum amount of item drops to reward. Defaults to 1.

Rubble_Reward_Probability float: Probability of receiving a reward, as a decimal-to-percent chance. Defaults to 1.

Rubble_Reward_XP uint32: Amount of experience to reward when the destructible object is destroyed.

Conditions and Rewards

Conditions can be used to control the visibility of an object. For example, if an object should only be visible after a certain quest has been completed. These properties do not have a unique prefix, and instead use the standard Conditions and Condition_# property names.

Conditions and rewards can also be tied to the interactability of an object. An object could become interactable during a quest, and then trigger rewards (such as completing the quest) once it has been interacted with. These properties are prefixed with Interactability_. For example, Interactability_Conditions and Interactability_Reward_#.


Name string: Object name in user interfaces.

Interact string: When an interactable object is using Interactability_Hint Custom, this property is used to set the text that should be displayed as the interact prompt for the object.

Interactability_Text_Line_# Rich Text: A line of text that should be displayed when an object using Interactability Note is interacted with. This property is used in conjunction with Interactability_Text_Lines.