Consumeable Assets
Consumable items are irreversibly consumed by the player on use, and directly affect a player’s stats such as food or health.
This inherits the WeaponAsset class.
Consumeable Asset Properties
Aid flag: Specified if the item can be used on other players, via the “Secondary” action.
Bleeding flag: Specified if the item should remove the “Bleeding” status effect. Deprecated in favor of Bleeding_Modifier.
Bleeding_Modifier enum (Cut
, Heal
, None
): Determines the effect the consumable has in relation to the “Bleeding” status effect.
Broken flag: Specified if the item should remove the “Broken Bones” status effect. Deprecated in favor of Bones_Modifier.
Bones_Modifier enum (Break
, Heal
, None
): Determines the effect the consumable has in relation to the “Broken Bones” status effect.
ConsumeAudioClip Master Bundle Pointer: AudioClip to play when the consumeable is used.
Disinfectant byte: Amount of immunity restored.
Energy byte: Amount of stamina restored.
Experience int: Amount of experience added or removed.
Explosion uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of the explosion effect to play upon consumption.
Food byte: Amount of food restored. If the amount of food to restore is larger than the amount of water to restore, then food constrains water.
Health byte: Amount of health restored.
Item_Reward_Spawn_ID uint16: ID of the item spawn table to generate an item from upon consuming the consumable. The number of items generated is random, depending on the range defined by Min_Item_Rewards and Max_Item_Rewards.
Max_Item_Rewards int: Maximum number of items that can be generated from the spawn table specified by Item_Reward_Spawn_ID.
Min_Item_Rewards int: Minimum number of items that can be generated from the spawn table specified by Item_Reward_Spawn_ID.
Oxygen sbyte: Amount of oxygen restored or depleted.
Should_Delete_After_Use bool: Boolean for if the item should be deleted after being consumed. Defaults to true.
Virus byte: Amount of immunity depleted.
Vision uint: Length of hallucinations, in seconds. The length does not stack when consuming multiple hallucinogenics. Instead, the timer is reset to the longer value.
Warmth uint: Amount of warmth added.
Water byte: Amount of water restored. If the amount of water to restore is less than the amount of food to restore, then water is constrained by food.
Consumables can use quest rewards. A common usage is to create consumables with multiple (but still limited) uses, by placing a new item in the player’s inventory after consuming the original. Alternatively, consuming a consumable may be required to complete a quest. Refer to Rewards documentation for additional documentation.
These rewards are prefixed with Quest_
. For example, Quest_Rewards 1