Vendor Assets

GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.

Type enum (Vendor)

ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.


Properties pertaining to items that the vendor is willing to buy from players. Vendors can set conditions for the items they are buying. These conditions are prefixed with Buying_#_. For example, Buying_0_Conditions 1. For more information, refer to the documentation for Conditions and Rewards respectively.

Buying byte: Total number items being bought by the vendor.

Buying_#_ID uint16: ID of item to buy from the player.

Buying_#_Cost uint32: Amount of currency to pay the player. Defaults to experience points as the currency, unless the Currency property has been set.


Properties pertaining to items or vehicles that the vendor is willing to sell to players. Vendors can set conditions for the items/vehicles they are selling. These conditions are prefixed with Selling_#_. For example, Selling_0_Conditions 1. For more information, refer to the documentation for Conditions and Rewards respectively.

Selling byte: Total number of items/vehicles being sold by the vendor.

Selling_#_Type enum (Item, Vehicle): Type of asset being sold.

Selling_#_ID uint16: ID of item/vehicle to sell to the player.

Selling_#_Cost uint32: Amount of currency to pay the vendor. Defaults to experience points as the currency, unless the Currency property has been set.

Selling_#_Spawnpoint string: Location to spawn the purchased vehicle, using the ID of a spawnpoint node as set in the level editor. For example, Liberator_Jet. If an ID is not provided, the vehicle will spawn above the NPC.

Selling_#_PaintColor color: If set, overrides color of purchased vehicle. Vehicle redirector asset’s SpawnPaintColor and vehicle asset’s DefaultPaintColors are bypassed.

Selling_#_Ammo byte: Override for the amount of ammuntion that should be loaded in the item sold.

Selling_#_Barrel uint16: Override for the barrel attachment that should be attached to the item sold.

Selling_#_Grip uint16: Override for the grip attachment that should be attached to the item sold.

Selling_#_Magazine uint16: Override for the magazine attachment that should be attached to the item sold.

Selling_#_Sight uint16: Override for the sight attachment that should be attached to the item sold.

Selling_#_Tactical uint16: Override for the tactical attachment that should be attached to the item sold.

Other Properties

Disable_Sorting flag: Disable vendor sorting.

Currency string: GUID of the currency asset to use as currency instead of experience points.

FaceOverride byte: Optional index of face image to use when this vendor is opened. Face is reset to character’s default when unspecified or when a new message is opened.


Name string: Vendor name in user interfaces.

Description Rich Text: Vendor description in user interfaces.