
Conditions can be held by NPC assets, interactable objects, and item blueprints. The specific property prefix may differ between asset types. For example, quests may use “Conditions” while blueprints use “Blueprint_#_Conditions”.

Conditions byte: Total number of conditions.

Condition_#_Type enum (Compare_Flags, Date_Counter, Flag_Bool, Flag_Short, Currency, Experience, Item, Kills_Animal, Kills_Horde, Kills_Object, Kills_Player, Kills_Tree, Kills_Zombie, Player_Life_Food, Player_Life_Health, Player_Life_Stamina, Player_Life_Virus, Player_Life_Water, Quest, Reputation, Skillset, Holiday, Time_Of_Day, Weather_Blend_Alpha, Weather_Status)

Condition_#_Reset flag: Set back to equivalent of 0 when completed.

Condition_#_Logic enum (Less_Than, Less_Than_Or_Equal_To, Equal, Not_Equal, Greater_Than_Or_Equal_To, Greater_Than): Compare current state to target state.

Condition_#_UI_Requirements string: Comma-separated condition indices. If set, only show this condition in the UI when the conditions with these indices are met. For example, a condition with “1, 2” will only be shown when conditions 1 and 2 have been completed.



Compare left-hand flag A, to right-hand flag B.

Condition_#_Type enum (Compare_Flags)

Condition_#_A_ID uint16: Left-hand flag ID.

Condition_#_Allow_A_Unset bool: Pass condition flag onto player, if they do not have the flag already.

Condition_#_B_ID uint16: Right-hand flag ID.

Condition_#_Allow_B_Unset bool: Pass condition if player does not have the flag yet.


Every in-game morning, the world’s “date counter” is incremented. In a fresh save it starts at zero. This condition takes the remainder of the date counter divided by Divisor and compares it with Value according to Logic.

For example, an in-game event can be configured to occur every 4th and 5th day by setting Divisor to 5, Value to 3, and Logic to Greater_Than_Or_Equal_To.

Condition_#_Type enum (Date_Counter)

Condition_#_Value int64: Number to compare the remainder with.

Condition_#_Divisor int64: Number to divide the world date counter by.


Boolean flag condition.

Condition_#_Type enum (Flag_Bool)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of flag to check.

Condition_#_Value bool: Target value, as a boolean.

Condition_#_Allow_Unset flag: Pass condition if player does not have the flag yet.


Short flag condition.

Condition_#_Type enum (Flag_Short)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of flag to check.

Condition_#_Value int16: Target value for the flag, as a 16-bit signed integer.

Condition_#_Allow_Unset flag: Pass condition if player does not have the flag yet.



Refer to Currency documentation.

Condition_#_Type enum (Currency)

Condition_#_GUID string: GUID of currency asset.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of currency.


Condition_#_Type enum (Experience)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of experience.


Condition_#_Type enum (Item)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of item to search player’s inventory for.

Condition_#_Amount int: Quantity of the item required.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Animal)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of animal kills.

Condition_#_Animal uint16: ID of animal required.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Horde)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of beacons completed.

Condition_#_Nav byte: Index of the navmesh that beacons should be completed in, seen as visible in the level editor.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Object)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of object destructions.

Condition_#_Object string: GUID of object required.

Condition_#_Nav byte: Index of the navmesh that objects should be destroyed in, seen as visible in the level editor.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Player)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of player kills.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Tree)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of resource destructions.

Condition_#_Tree string: GUID of resource required.


Condition_#_Type enum (Kills_Zombie)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of short flag to track stat.

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of zombies killed.

Condition_#_Zombie enum (Acid, Boss_All, Boss_Electric, Boss_Elver_Stomper, Boss_Fire, Boss_Magma, Boss_Nuclear, Boss_Spirit, Boss_Wind, Burner, Crawler, DL_Blue_Volatile, DL_Red_Volatile, Flanker_Friendly, Flanker_Stalk, Mega, None, Normal, Spirit, Sprinter): Type of zombie required.

Condition_#_Spawn_Quantity int: Number of zombies to spawn. Defaults to 1.

Condition_#_Nav byte: Index of the navmesh that zombies should be killed in, seen as visible in the level editor.

Condition_#_Radius float: Radius around players that zombies should be killed within, in meters. When a navmesh is unset and a radius is not specified, the radius defaults to 512 meters and is used for the condition.

Condition_#_MinRadius float: Zombies must be killed at least this many meters away from the player.

Condition_#_Spawn flag: Specified if the zombie type should be forcefully generated upon entering the area, which will then be deleted upon leaving the area.

Condition_#_LevelTableOverride int: Unique ID of a zombie type shown in the level editor. If set, the zombie spawned will use that type. Defaults to -1.


Condition_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Food)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of the player’s current food.


Condition_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Health)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of the player’s current health.


Condition_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Stamina)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of the player’s current stamina/energy.


Condition_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Virus)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of the player’s current immunity.


Condition_#_Type enum (Player_Life_Water)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of the player’s current water.


Condition_#_Type enum (Quest)

Condition_#_ID uint16: ID of quest to check for.

Condition_#_Status enum (None, Active, Ready, Completed): Current state of the quest.

Condition_#_Ignore_NPC flag: Player does not need to be talking to an NPC within 20 meters for the quest to be completable and turned in.


Condition_#_Type enum (Reputation)

Condition_#_Value int: Target value, in terms of reputation.


Condition_#_Type enum (Skillset)

Condition_#_Value enum (Army, Camp, Chef, Farm, Fire, Fish, Medic, None, Police, Thief, Work): Target value, as the skillset. For example, this condition could be used to offer unique questlines, dialogue, or blueprints depending on the player’s chosen skillset.



Condition_#_Type enum (Holiday)

Condition_#_Value enum (ENPCHoliday): Target value, as the holiday.


Condition_#_Type enum (Is_Full_Moon)

Condition_#_Value bool: If true the condition passes when the full moon is up, otherwise if false the condition passes when the full moon is not up.


Condition_#_Type enum (Time_Of_Day)

Condition_#_Second int: Second of a 24-hour clock (military time) to compare against. For example: 0 is midnight (the start of a day), 43200 is noon (12 o’clock), and 86400 is midnight (the end of a day). This condition respects the map’s configured “Bias” values, as well as the day/night cycle length of the world. As a visual reference, the Clock item can be used.


The weather blend alpha condition compares the current intensity to a target value. For example, an NPC could sell umbrellas while rain is greater than 50% (0.5) blended in. This condition is supported by visibility, but is more expensive for visibility than the state condition because each listening object is updated when the intensity changes by 1% (0.01).

Condition_#_Type enum (Weather_Blend_Alpha)

Condition_#_GUID string: GUID of weather required.

Condition_#_Value float [0, 1]: Target value, as the weather intensity blend.


The weather status condition tests the state of the global weather. This condition is supported by visibility.

Condition_#_Type enum (Weather_Status)

Condition_#_GUID string: GUID of weather required.

Condition_#_Value enum (Active, Fully_Transitioned_In, Fully_Transitioned_Out, Transitioning, Transitioning_In, Transitioning_Out): Target value, as the weather status.


Condition_#: Name of the condition as it appears in user interfaces.