NPC Character Assets
GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.
Type enum (NPC
ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.
PlayerKnowsNameFlagID uint16: If non-zero, NPC name is shown as ??? until bool flag is true. For example if set to 20 the NPC name is ??? until a Flag_Bool reward with ID 20 is set to true.
Shirt uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of shirt to wear.
Pants uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of pants to wear.
Hat uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of hat to wear.
Backpack uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of backpack to wear.
Vest uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of vest to wear.
Mask uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of mask to wear.
Glasses uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of glasses to wear.
Holiday outfits
NPC characters can have event-specific outfits, which will only appear during the assigned seasonal event.
Has_Halloween_Outfit flag: Specified if event-specific clothing should be worn during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Shirt uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of shirt to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Pants uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of pants to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Hat uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of hat to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Backpack uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of backpack to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Vest uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of vest to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Mask uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of mask to wear during the Halloween event.
Halloween_Glasses uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of glasses to wear during the Halloween event.
Has_Christmas_Outfit flag: Specified if event-specific clothing should be worn during the Festive event.
Christmas_Shirt uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of shirt to wear.
Christmas_Pants uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of pants to wear.
Christmas_Hat uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of hat to wear.
Christmas_Backpack uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of backpack to wear.
Christmas_Vest uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of vest to wear.
Christmas_Mask uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of mask to wear.
Christmas_Glasses uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of glasses to wear.
While in the Appearance menu in-game, modders can press Page Down to copy the player’s current appearance to clipboard.
Face int: Index of face image.
Hair int: Index of hair mesh.
Beard int: Index of beard mesh.
Color_Skin hex triplet: Six-digit hexadecimal number representing RGB color.
Color_Hair hex triplet: Six-digit hexadecimal number representing RGB color.
Backward flag: Specified if character is left-handed.
Primary uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of the weapon carried on the character’s back, parallel to the spine.
Secondary uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of the weapon carried on the character’s hip, perpendicular to the spine.
Tertiary uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of a non-weapon item to carry.
Equipped enum (Primary
, Secondary
, Tertiary
): The item in the specified slot will be held in the character’s hands, rather than carried.
Dialogue uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of the dialogue asset to open when interacted with.
Pose enum (Asleep
, Crouch
, Passive
, Prone
, Rest
, Sit
, Stand
, Surrender
, Under_Arrest
): Idle animation.
Pose_Head_Offset float: Offset of the NPC’s head from their body, in meters. Positive numbers offset it forward, while negative numbers offset it backward. Defaults to 0.1.
Pose_Lean float: How far the NPC leans left or right, as a number from -1 to 1. Positive numbers learn to the NPC’s left, while negative numbers lean to the NPC’s right. Defaults to 0.
Pose_Pitch float: How far the NPC leans forward or backward, in degrees. Numbers greater than 90 lean forward, while numbers less than 90 lean backward. Defaults to 90.
An NPC character can be made to only appear while certain conditions are met by the player.
Name string: Object name in level editors.
Character string: Character name displayed when interacted with.