Melee Assets

Melee weapons can be used as a source of damage. Melee weapons always show quality.

This inherits the WeaponAsset class.

Item Asset Properties

GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.

Type enum (Melee)

Useable enum (Melee)

Slot ESlotType (None, Primary, Secondary, Any): Most melee weapons, including vanilla items, use Secondary. This allows the weapon to be used from either the character’s primary or secondary slot.

ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.

Melee Asset Properties

Alert_Radius float: The radius where zombies and animals should be alerted when attacking, measured in meters. Defaults to 8.

AttackAudioClip Master Bundle Pointer: AudioClip to play when attacking.

ImpactAudioDef Master Bundle Pointer: AudioClip or OneShotAudioDefinition to play upon impact.

Light flag: Provides a toggleable flashlight, and allows for using PlayerSpotLightConfig properties.

Repair flag: Repairs barricades, structures, and vehicles.

Repeated flag: The melee weapon’s strong attack is disabled, and its weak attack will deal damage continuously.

Stamina byte: Amount of stamina depleted with each attack. Defaults to 0.

Strength float: Multiplier on the damage dealt by strong attacks.

Strong float: Multiplier for the strong attack animation length, for when to apply damage. Defaults to 0.33.

Weak float: Multiplier for the weak attack animation length, for when to apply damage. Defaults to 0.5.

NPC Rewards

For more information, refer to the Rewards documentation.

Rewards can be granted for weak and/or strong attacks. Weak_Attack_Quest_Rewards # with Weak_Attack_Quest_Reward_ prefix or Strong_Attack_Quest_Rewards # with Strong_Attack_Quest_Reward_ prefix.