Charge Assets
Remote explosives can be placed and then remotely detonated with a remote trigger.
This inherits the BarricadeAsset class.
Item Asset Properties
GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.
Type enum (Charge
Useable enum (Barricade
Build enum (Charge
ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.
Charge Asset Properties
Animal_Damage float: Damage dealt to animals caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Barricade_Damage float: Damage dealt to barricades caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Explosion2 uint16 or GUID: ID or GUID of effect to play upon detonation.
Explosion_Launch_Speed float: Launch speed of players caught within the area-of-effect explosion, in meters per second. Defaults to the value of Player_Damage * 0.1
Object_Damage float: Damage dealt to objects caught within the area-of-effect explosion. Defaults to the value of Resource_Damage
Player_Damage float: Damage dealt to players caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Resource_Damage float: Damage dealt to resources caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Structure_Damage float: Damage dealt to structures caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Vehicle_Damage float: Damage dealt to vehicles caught within the area-of-effect explosion.
Range2 float: Radius of the damaging, area-of-effect explosion.
Zombie_Damage float: Damage dealt to zombies caught within the area-of-effect explosion.