Box Assets

Boxes are intended to be used as a part of the Steam Economy, rather than as in-game content. As such, none of its unique properties can be properly utilized by modders.

This inherits the ItemAsset class.

Item Asset Properties

GUID 32-digit hexadecimal: Refer to GUID documentation.

Type enum (Box)

ID uint16: Must be a unique identifier.

Box Asset Properties

Generate int32: The itemdefid granted by opening this box, which is used to display the correct UI element after an unbox.

Destroy int32: The itemdefid removed by opening this box, which is used to display the correct UI element after an unbox.

Drops int32: Corresponds to the total number of items in the box, so that the correct number of UI elements are displayed when showing box contents.

Drop_# int32: The itemdefid of an item in the box, which is visually displayed as a UI element when showing box contents.

Item_Origin enum (Unbox, Unwrap): The localization key to use for for the unbox/unwrap menu button.

Probability_Model enum (Equalized, Original): UI elements regarding unbox probability chances are added depending on the specified enumerator.

Contains_Bonus_Items bool: When true, adds a UI element regarding bonus items.